[WordPress Plugin Bug][Solved] Post Dates Changing Automatically

Nishant Arora 18/Oct/2011

I had noted this earlier, but did not went to search for it, yes, my old posts were getting either re-posted or their dates were being adjusted to today's, that meant that previous posts startedĀ appearingĀ on the home page always, finally I found out the solution for the problem.

I have a Search Term Tags plug-in called the "SEO Search Terms Tagging 2", this plug-in has a sub-option, "Promote old post with no search engine traffic:" now this was set to YES, which meant that old posts were modified by changing their dates, so that they appeared on page 1, which also means, there is no order left, all dates get shuffled, and all the archives and categories goes bonkers, so I switched this option OFF, so that it did not repeat.

I do not remember the dates now, so let them be set to whatever they are now!

Hope that helped!