Flipkart Affiliate Override Commissions - Easiest Way To Make Money Using Flipkart's Affiliate Program

Nishant Arora 03/Nov/2014


I do not know, how many of you use Flipkart's Affiliate account to earn commissions on the purchases done by your friends and family. But I am a avid user and ask all my friends and family to make purchases using my affiliate link. This entitles me for a commission on every purchase they make. However, recently it has been a lot of pain to share my affiliate link with everyone on my network.

To make the job easier for everyone. I wrote a chrome extension that automatically tracks purchases by my fnf so that I can earn commission on every purchase. I finally decided it can be used by everyone. So here it goes

Step 1: Create a flipkart affiliate account at http://www.flipkart.com/affiliate

Step 2: Get your affiliate id, Usually referred to as "affid", e.g.: 'dost123'

Step 3: Ask your friends to install the extension fromĀ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/edbeaajlfjdmepmcbjplfdedoegbkkbj

Step 4: Let them configure your affiliate id (i.e. 'dost123') in their control panel.

Step 5: Enjoy!.... Now all purchases made by them on flipkart will entitle you for a commission on them.


Happy Hacking!