Finally Done! - All websites Up...

Nishant Arora 06/Oct/2011

yes.. its 5.40 in the morning and I have been up all night since past week, after I crashed the servers at awardspace, and the disabled me from their system, and well it was nothing, just I was trying to take backups using command line, and all happened was overloading and boom, all users on my IP crashed.. :P... though I enjoyed it internally (was proud and patted myself too... :P.. its a server I crashed you see... :)) ) I was worried about my custom written Source Codes, Applications and Databases... they were all locked in with the awardspace, Finally after constant persuasion and deliberate efforts, they handed 2GB of tarballs, which I finally uploaded to my new hosts... :)).. These guys are great, will be updating about them shortly, Feels happy to have your websites up and running again...

Good Morning Amigoz

Good Night PPl...



UPDATE: the status was not being forwarded to social Networks!