FbHc 2012 - Billboards Problem Solution

Nishant Arora 23/Jan/2012

Update: My friend "Martin" just pointed out an error, my code is bugged... Holy Shit!... the code gives a wrong answer for "4 4 Ab Cd", still maybe it was the input set, i got a correct from facebook. Still I have updated the code accordingly.

Update: Since the submissions are over, click here to access the code on an online IDE

This one was the 2nd easiest or you must say 2nd toughest problem, it took me 3 hours to get rid of the errors, 30 minutes to code and 2.5 hours to debug, this sucks, still the solution was pretty easy. We shall start with the Problem Statement:


We are starting preparations for Hacker Cup 2013 really early. Our first step is to prepare billboards to advertise the contest. We have text for hundreds of billboards, but we need your help to design them.

The billboards are of different sizes, but are all rectangular. The billboard widths and heights are all integers. We will supply you with the size in inches and the text we want printed. We want you to tell us how large we can print the text, such that it fits on the billboard without splitting any words across lines. Since this is to attract hackers like yourself, we will use a monospace font, meaning that all characters are of the same width (e.g.. 'l' and 'm' take up the same horizontal space, as do space characters). The characters in our font are of equal width and height, and there will be no additional spacing between adjacent characters or adjacent rows. If you print a word on one line and print the next word on the next line, you do not need to print a space between them.

Let's say we want to print the text "Facebook Hacker Cup 2013" on a 350x100" billboard. If we use a font size of 33" per character, then we can print "Facebook" on the first line, "Hacker Cup" on the second and "2013" on the third. The widest of the three lines is "Hacker Cup", which is 330" wide. There are three lines, so the total height is 99". We cannot go any larger.


The first line of the input file contains a single integer T: the number of test cases. T lines follow, each representing a single test case in the form "W H S". W and H are the width and height in inches of the available space. S is the text to be written.


Output T lines, one for each test case. For each case, output "Case #t: s", where t is the test case number (starting from 1) and s is the maximum font size, in inches per character, we can use. The size must be an integral number of inches. If the text does not fit when printed at a size of 1", then output 0.


  • 1 ≤ T ≤ 20
  • 1 ≤ W, H ≤ 1000
  • The text will contain only lower-case letters a-z, upper-case letters A-Z, digits 0-9 and the space character
  • The text will not start or end with the space character, and will never contain two adjacent space characters
  • The text in each case contains at most 1000 characters

Sample Input:

20 6 hacker cup
100 20 hacker cup 2013
55 25 Can you hack
100 20 Hack your way to the cup

Sample Output:

Case #1: 3
Case #2: 10
Case #3: 2
Case #4: 8
Case #5: 7


We can easily use Brute Force to calculate the optimal solution once you know the initial start points


Start points will have to be calculated using the (total area)/(maximum area required by total chars); it can be divided into rows and cols, this can be further optimized by checking whether we can fit in the text in the given field or not!

Source Code:

Since the submissions are over, click here to access the code on an online IDE

Working Example:

Click Here to check your answers versus mine!


Happy Fucking Hacking!

PS: comments and suggestions welcome... :)